We are now back in Surabaya. We started teaching again this past Monday. Vacation was long, and great, but it's always a little difficult to get back into the flow of work. The week will drag a little, but then life should be back to normal. Or as normal as life gets here.
A couple highlights from the vacation:
We saw some amazing sunsets.

We did some snorkeling.

We took in some culture and stuff.

At one restaurant, we overheard an obnoxious Australian lady talk about how she was in Bali for the culture, such as the beaches and cheap massages. Yup, good old indigenous culture, that stuff is.
And, of course, there were the previously mentioned monkeys.

For more monkey pics, go to
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=71216&l=0c2e1&id=547792060For more vacation pics, go to
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