Wednesday, October 13, 2010
No dirty title jokes, because this is a family website
So when we were at a steakhouse in Phoenix the other night and our server informed us that the "calf fries" on the menu were actually deep-fried testicles, the dish had to be ordered. (It was actually my brother who told the waiter to make it happen.)
They came out as well-fried pieces a little smaller than a golf ball, ten to an order with a side of cocktail sauce. They weren't bad: crispy coating on the outside and slightly spongy and juicy on the inside, but without any sort of off-putting flavor. Would I order them again? No, but they weren't horrible, and so far I've lived to eat another day.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Bisbee and the bizarre
Last weekend, in a quest to find something to do, we decided to head to Bisbee, Arizona.
When we left, we didn't realize that the town was well over four hours away. Eventually we arrived, ate a quick picnic lunch, and then went to a tour of an old mining operation, where they've previously extracted copper, azurite, malachite, and turquoise.
After that, we wandered the town a little bit and did touristy things like eating ice cream and fudge (Why do tourists like fudge so much?), and ended up at the Bisbee Museum of the Bizarre.
Among the items on display were a cast of a Bigfoot footprint and accompanying hair sample, some dirt from Jim Morrison's grave, a vampire slaying kit, a fossilized fairy, a Fiji mermaid, a copy of John Dillinger's death mask, shrunken heads, and a two-headed squirrel. The room was smaller than most kitchens, but the admission was only $3, and I quite like random stuff like that.
We then piled back into the car for the long trip home, successfully making it through an immigration checkpoint en route. We thought about pretending to speak Spanish at the checkpoint, but those guys have guns, so we played it safe.
More photos from the weekend can be found here.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Friends, fish, fire, and fun. And cold weather, beer, wine, and dogs.
I dipped my foot in the water once, and then abandoned any ideas of getting wet. Fortunately, we had fire to keep us warm.
To fill the gaps in time left by not skiing, we played throwing games: ladderball (a.k.a. "testicle toss") and horseshoes. My friend also brought his dog with him, which provided some amusement.
I miss having animals around at all times, which is one of those things that makes me miss Alaska. Even at work up there, we had an office dog. Perhaps the animal issue might convince me to settle down and stay in one place eventually. Maybe.
Over the weekend, I also spent a decent amount of time on a boat not fishing. I didn't feel like buying an out-of-state fishing license for one weekend of trying to catch something that I'm allergic to.
I let everyone else do the fishing and instead took pictures and drank beer and wine.
Easily the best part of the weekend was having the opportunity to reconnect with people I haven't seen in years. It has always amazed me how, with my close friends, I can be away for years (even the better part of a decade) and dive into conversation as if I had never left. I suppose it speaks for the quality of the people that I know.
It's almost enough to make me stick around. Almost.
More photos from the weekend can be found here.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Go, Pack, Go!
Of course, we arrived early because we had to do some pregame tailgating: salmon in a homemade Caribbean marinade, grilled portobella mushrooms, and stuffed baked potatoes. And I may have had a beer or two.
The game, despite being just a preseason game, was fairly exciting, and the Packers won 59 to 24. And there were numerous cheeseheads in attendance.
I was impressed by how many people stayed until the very end, despite the lopsided score. Here's hoping the team has a great year; all of the dedicated fans deserve it.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Uncooperative weather
However, mother nature did not cooperate. It was raining and windy when we arrived, so no fire. The next day it was windy and cold, and the waves meant no waterskiing. Hopefully I'll have better luck over Labor Day.
I did get to teach my cousin how to play horseshoes, though.
They're heavy enough that we couldn't complain that the wind was affecting our accuracy.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Life in a northern town
This past weekend, I went down to a lake north of Milwaukee. I spent a couple of hours out in the sun without a shirt and no sun screen, and did NOT get burnt to a bright red crisp. Gotta love summer in the north, far, far from the equator.
In which my mother is the technologically advanced one
While poring over websites and good old-fashioned printed brochures, I said out loud that I don't know why I need a phone. "You need a phone," my mother replied sternly.
"You know, ten years ago nobody had phones and we survived," I replied.
"This isn't ten years ago, kiddo," my mom said.
I never thought I would be on the opposite end of that conversation with my mother.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Frugality and photos
I've been following a blog called the Frugal Traveler recently, where a man is exploring South America on a budget. In the most recent post, the intrepid adventurer's parents arrive, and he attempts to keep all of them on the same budget. This reminds me of the time I told my brother that some day we should go to Indonesia together and travel the way I traveled when I was there, and he looked at me and said, "At this point in my life, I don't feel like I want or need to do that." Then again, this was my same theory when I was in Dublin and avoided the hostels.
I guess my own theory while traveling would be to live to the very edge of my means, spending absolutely all the money I possibly can without doing long-term financial damage to myself. I know that when I put it that way, it seems a little dismal, but it does ultimately result in the most luxurious traveling possible, with luxury obviously being a relative term.
I finally got a new camera, so hopefully I'll start getting some new pictures up online. Now I just need to teach myself how to be a proper photographer.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The flight across the ocean was good. The meal was better than most airline meals, and I got to drink some complimentary beer (Corona, and they even gave me a lime). Even the snack was better than most. Peanuts AND pretzels. And a slice of pizza. Apparently, they are obsessed with foods starting with the letter "P." The flight came into New York from fairly far north, so we followed the Canadian coastline for quite a ways, which was much better than just staring out at water.
After two changeovers, I finally reached Green Bay and eventually home. My mother, wonderful woman that she is, has stocked the fridge with a six-pack of Guinness and the liquor shelf with a bottle of Jameson. I told her I was a little Guinnessed-out for the time being, but I'll get to it eventually.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Songs of the south
Since Killarney is such a highly visited place, we had difficulty finding a place to stay. Midweek, we called a bunch of places but they were all full. This is why, at the age of thirty, I ended up spending some nights in a hostel for the first time in my life.
As we rolled south on the bus, my friend said that she just hoped the people were quiet and didn't smell bad. We walked into the room and were greeted by three boys in their late teens, maybe early twenties. As my friend told me later, they smelled sort of funky. I nicknamed them the funky bunch. And two of them snored. Loudly.
On Saturday, we did a full-day tour of the area, known as the Ring of Kerry, because the region is somewhat circular in shape. Our tour followed the coastline for a great distance.

We then went back to the hostel and tried to sleep through the snoring and the endless ringing of phones when one of our roommates' friends was trying to get into the room without a key at six in the morning, and they were too passed out to even answer their phones.
Today, we spent our third straight day on buses coming back to our home-base. I now have one more full day in Ireland before leaving these green hills for the other green hills of home.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My goodness, my Guinness
One of the main things I went to see was the Book of Kells, hosted at the renowned Trinity College. The book is an ornately made 9th century edition of the gospels. The exhibition was interesting, but perhaps overpriced. Also, no photos were allowed. Now, I understand that light can damage certain items, and I wouldn't trust people with cameras near the actual book. But why can't people take pictures of printed, new museum-type display posters? Or of the library?
After the College, I carried on to my main destination, the Guinness Storehouse.

I then staggered back into the sunlight to visit Kilmainham Gaol, an old jail that played an important role in the events surrounding the rising of 1916.

I considered going to the old Jameson distillery, but I had read mixed reviews online and it is no longer an active distillery.
Overall, I had a good, if expensive, time in Dublin. However, I don't know if I will get back to Ireland, so I felt it had to be done.
Photos from the trip can be found here.
Monday, July 12, 2010
To the cliffs
On Sunday, the weather was finally good and I made it out to the cliffs of Moher (pronounced "more," not "mohair," as some foreigners occasionally make the mistake of saying).

This sign was posted in the town square.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Weather and words
While we haven't had too many language difficulties here, since they do speak English, or something at least similar, I have encountered some interesting rough spots.
For example, the people from Cork: you just have to give up because you're not going to understand them. We have one acquaintance, who is not from Cork, but is also strangely the only person here I can't understand, even though I can understand his brothers and sisters.
Since we get transportation from other people, I need to make sure I call this service "a lift." To say "ride" has overt sexual connotations, and then people look at me weird.
A common Irish word is "craic," pronounced "crack." If someone asks why you're at a place, and you mean you're just there for a good time, you would say, "I'm here for the craic." Our Irish friend informed us that he got some strange looks when he used this phrase while visiting America.
Here's the breakdown from Wikipedia:
Craic or crack is fun, a good time, good company, good atmosphere and conversation. If you are enjoying yourself, it is good craic.[30][31] The word may also be used to refer to events, news, or gossip, as in the phrases "What's the crack?", "How's the craic?", "Any craic?" or "It was good crack." It can also be used in a negative context: "That was some bad crack there last night."Hopefully my trip continues to be good craic.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Freedom, feudalism, and festivals
On the 3rd, we had a good day. A long hike through the limestone-ridged hills and ending up at a castle, or more specifically, a tower house.
This weekend, I hope to check out the fabled cliffs of Moher and also to venture into a nearby town to check out something called road hurling, which is a traditional Irish sport moved to the road for the local festival that will be taking place.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
From the papers
The paper offered some interesting information on the economic situation here. One article compared average prices in Ireland to prices in the rest of the European Union. Some (mildly depressing) facts:
- Food here costs 32% more than elsewhere in the EU, despite the fact that Ireland produces quite a bit of its own food.
- Alcohol costs a whopping 67% more than the rest of the EU. And again, a lot of it is produced here.
Last night, on the eve of America's independence day, my friend had to vocally restrain me from singing Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" at midnight in a bar filled with Irish folk. She then told everyone that I am absolutely the worst singer in the entire world, which I thought was a little harsh.
Anyway, today we'll be celebrating the holiday with the other Oklahoman, who will be making us some Frito pie with ingredients she brought from America. Go USA!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wings and walking

Lastly, here's a photo of the view from the front of the apartment complex.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Settling in
Otherwise, things here are going well. We met some good people the other day (my friend Amanda is from Oklahoma and there is another Oklahoman in town, go figure) and hung out with them Saturday night. Other than that, I've just been hanging out around the apartment and reading, writing, relaxing, and watching football. (And drinking, but just a little. I've also made friends with some good folks called Guinness, Smithwick's, Beamish, Jameson, Black Bush, etc...)
I'll be starting work in the near future, hopefully, but not for a few days at least. I may go check out a local cave.
Now I need to go cook some potatoes. This is Ireland, after all.
Friday, June 25, 2010
At last in the land of leprechauns
The place I am staying is very nice: it's two bedrooms, not a studio like I had initially been informed. So plenty of room. It's in a beautiful location. But in the middle of nowhere. The towns in either direction are two hours away by foot, so I should be in pretty good shape by the time I leave.
There seems to be a lot to see in the very near vicinity, so I should have enough activities to occupy myself, and I'll probably also take a trip into Dublin to see the Guinness and Jameson factories.
I'll be here about a month, and then it's back across the Atlantic and home again.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Leaving Asia
The father of another friend had asked about your travels, about the places that most amazed you, if there was a place where you said to yourself, "This is the place; this is it." And you thought about it, you tried to find an answer.
You had said no, had said that if you felt that way, you would still be in that place, wherever it was.
But here you are again, on the move. You've put one woman onto a boat heading north when you were heading south, the same woman who knew where she was going but also told you don't follow. You've said goodbye to your friends and said I'll see you again. And you believe it, really you do, because, well, you sort of need to.
And those hills rolling past, they are beautiful, truly, and you know there's so much more to see out there, and you know you will keep moving, because that's also something that you sort of need to do.
The world is probably the same as it was a week ago. You were younger then, slightly, still lingering in the end of your third decade. The world's the same now but maybe you feel a little different, feel like you need a plan, right, something concrete. But all you can really think about is what next? You've haven't always been the greatest at moving on, but you're getting better, because that too is something that needs to be done. And the road keeps opening up in front of you.
And that what next is waiting somewhere down that road, a road that, to you, is as much a real road as a metaphor, and you'll deal with that when the need arises. And for today, at least, the road ends with a night's sleep, but you also know that when you lay your head to rest the next night, your world will have completely changed again. But you are ready.
I'm in a little guest house in Kuala Lumpur called the Bird Nest. They've named all of the rooms after birds. It's not the greatest place in the world, but it's cheap and will do for the five hours of sleep I'm going to try to get tonight before heading to the airport. I've spent all day on buses and trains, and tomorrow I'll be in the air all day, but hopefully there is a delicious Guinness waiting for me at the end.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Meeting the neighbors

Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Can I get the snack pack of friendship, please?
As I was talking to a friend from the dive shop (he's Austrian-Serbian, but was favoring England in the match), the guy in front of me turned around and said, "Is that an American accent I'm hearing?" When I answered affirmatively, he gave a loud "Right on!" and clenched my hand firmly. He and his friends were Irish; they were rooting for America more out of their dislike of England than any affinity for America.
We chatted awhile and they poured me a shot of Jameson they had acquired at the duty-free. Partway through the night, I was reminded of a scene from Fight Club where the protagonist meets a man on a plane and brings up his idea of "single-serving friends," people you interact with amiably for a short period of time and then never see again.
This happens a lot when traveling. I haven't really gotten used to it; but it is something some travelers are good at and thoroughly enjoy.
The game ended in the early hours of the morning with the score tied. The crowd was weirdly silent and dispersed quickly. (An article I read about the game interviewed an English bartender who said that when England wins, people keep drinking. When they lose, people keep drinking. When they tie, people just go home.) I went back to my room to catch some sleep for the next day, which would offer up more soccer and possibly the next serving of transitory friendship.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The cup runneth over with excitement
Several of the employees have already given in to the fact that they won't be sleeping much for the next month. The main problem: because of time differences, some of the games start very late. I'll be watching the US/England match tonight, and it starts at 2:30am.
I've been doing my best to get up to speed on the whole concept. (Slate has some decent coverage for us ignorant Americans. Of course, ESPN is also a great source.)
Even if America fails to go far, I've decided to root for Spain. My reasoning: 1) They are one of the favorites in the tournament; and, 2) I've actually seen some of the players live, when I watched FC Barcelona in Spain.
So even though I'm on the opposite side of the world, I'll be rooting for America to score some GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLSSSSS!!!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Certifiably capable

I've decided my budget can handle about five more fun dives (single dives that aren't part of a course), so I'll spread those out over the next ten days. I won't have an instructor watching my every move anymore, but hopefully I'll be alright.
Now I'm off to get dinner and a beer with my instructor. I got 100% on all the tests, so hopefully this equals a free drink. But then I'll buy him a drink for being a good instructor, so it all evens out, I guess. But I've had enough of salt water for one day, so another beverage will be good. Selamat minum (happy drinking) for me, and hopefully for you, wherever you are.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Making a splash
The course is going well. It's just me one-on-one with an instructor, and he's a good guy and a good teacher. I'm doing okay on the skills I'm learning, but I'm pretty bad at swimming underwater with the fins and gear. This bothers me slightly, since I'm used to just being instantly great at everything. But hopefully I'll get better with practice.
The dive shop is right next to where I'm living, so I've spent some time hanging out and getting to know the people who work there. This should make the time pass a little more smoothly when my roommate, Rob, leaves for a week, and I'm left with no one I actually knew when I arrived.
In exactly two weeks I head to Ireland. Interestingly, tonight I'm about to visit to a going-away party for two Irish people I've met at the dive shop. Unfortunately, we can't celebrate the Irish way with good beer and mountains of potatoes (and pots o' gold and rainbows), but I do have some of my high-quality imported Thai rum/whiskey with me, so we can do a wee bit o' celebratin'. (Because of the high cost of alcohol here, the only drinks I've had in Malaysia were the one night when Rob and I drank the other bottle I brought with me from Thailand.)
And then in the morning I get to do some swimming endurance tests for the scuba course. Excellent.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Finally there
I met a friend on the island, and we are sharing a dingy little bungalow. My half of the cost is $3.50 a night. I figure I can try to save as much money as possible; I have about $500 in cash and there are no ATMs on the island. Cash advances cost 10% plus the $10 and foreign transaction fees from my credit card company. So budget living it is.
Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go swimming in the cerulean blue water.
Traveling non-adventures
I also saw an old man walk doubled over like a hunchback past all of the people waiting for the trains, asking for money as he went along. But as soon as he was about twenty meters past everyone, he stood up and walked away completely fine.
My train was quite late, so I didn’t end up leaving the train station until almost 4 am. I caught a few hours of sleep, but it was the most unstable train I’ve ever been on and on several occasions I actually feared that the car might tip over. The train took about ten hours, then I hopped on a motorcycle for the last kilometer to Malaysia. Security ran all of my stuff through an x-ray, but they said nothing about the two bottles of whiskey I was carrying. I couple I met later had picked up a kitten somewhere on their travels, and when they got to the x-ray the guy just said, “Um, I have a cat in my hand,” and security just waved them through. (Moral of the story: Hide your illegal things inside your kittens.)
Once through passport control, I took two separate slow and un-air-conditioned buses to the pier.
Because my train was late, I missed the last boat to the island. I got a room on the mainland that is really, really cheap ($6), but while I’m writing this I get to hear the guy in the next room try to cough up all his bodily organs and it sounds like he is actually in the bed next to me. The walls may actually be built out of several layers of construction paper.
So tomorrow I take a short boat ride and I will finish a trip that began almost exactly 48 hours previous. Hopefully I can find reasonable (quality and price) accommodations over there, and unless I get really bored I’ll stay on the island for my entire time in Malaysia.
Lastly, I no longer have a camera, but I might borrow my friend's so I can get up some photos of the island.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The way we roll, island style
We did have fun in town, though. We went to a place featuring "island style" bowling.

During the lazy days, we've been passing some of the time playing cards.

We have a couple more days on the island, and then I head south to Malaysia. A friend who is already there says alcohol is really expensive (it's a Muslim country), so I'll probably bring a couple of bottles of Thai whiskey across the border with me.
To get to where I'm going, I have a seven-hour boat ride to the mainland, then a nine-hour night train to the border. Then I cross the border and take two buses to the pier, then I get back on a boat to head to Pulau Perhentian Kecil. But then I get to stay in place for several weeks before heading off to a different island on a different continent.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Photos and milestones

Thanks to all of you out there who are still reading, and hopefully I'll keep traveling to interesting places and keep writing about them. Gracias, grazie, terima kasih, and ขà¸à¸šà¸„ุณ (kap koon kap), everyone.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The hiking sucked, literally, not figuratively
In Battambang, we constantly followed the situation in Bangkok. We had purchased train tickets south from the city, but the civil/political unrest in the city was approaching its crescendo. And the train station was only a kilometer from where the protesters had dug in.
But we decided to take our chances. The bus would enter the north side of the city. We would taxi down to the south side to grab the backup camera to replace the one we had lost, and then into the center of the city to catch our train. We made it out without incident. The next day, the situation in the city climaxed. The protesters left their stronghold and parts of the city burned. We were safely south, but hoping the best for everyone back in the city.
We arrived at Khao Sok national park, which one of our friends had said was his favorite place he had visited in Thailand. We managed to find a reasonably nice and cheap resort ($8 a night and a hot shower!) and spent two days hiking. The first day we did a hike that was about eight kilometers each way. The first six were easy, but the last two heading in were a constant battle against gravity, friction, and leeches. We had to keep pulling the slippery, slimy little things off of our legs and backsides.
The next day we were fairly exhausted, but did test our luck by venturing far beyond a “Do not enter” sign.
We then went to a giant lake that was created to generate hydro power. The guides told us there are villages down at the bottom that were covered over when the lake was created. We stayed in some quite interesting but quite rickety raft houses; I was a little surprised that I never fell through the floor of our bungalow.
The highlight of the trip was a hike in a river that cuts a couple of kilometers through a mountain. We had to wear headlamps to provide light in the complete darkness. We spent most of the time in the mountain in the water, though only a few stretches required swimming. We saw huge numbers of bats and spiders, as well as toads, frogs, crabs, and catfish.
After the park, we climbed aboard a night boat to the island of Koh Tao, about seven hours from the mainland. The boat featured a sleeping space for each passenger, but we were amazed at how narrow they were. Lying on my back, my shoulders were wider than the mattress. Fortunately, it is low season, and the boat was far from full.
I am now typing from the deck of our bungalow, which is also quite cheap ($12 a night) and features a completely unobstructed view of the bay. Sinead will be scuba diving for several days, and other than that it is nothing but relaxing for the next week.
Beer is expensive here, though. Just thought I’d let you know in case you thought my life was completely perfect at the moment.Angkor what?
After the camp’s closing ceremony, we walked out to the road and flagged down a bus headed towards Bangkok. After one night in the city visiting friends, we headed out to Siem Reap, Cambodia, to see the temples of Angkor Wat, the remains of the Hindu and Buddhist influenced Angkorian empire.
Cambodia is similar to Thailand in some ways, but it is also a much poorer and more scarred country. The effects of the Khmer Rouge regime can still be seen. Landmines left behind from the country’s civil war still litter the countryside, and Siem Reap is filled with a generous share of the victims, who have come to the city to seek the charity of the tourists drawn in by the temples.
We spent several days touring the temples. It was an interesting experience: the temples seem almost otherworldly at times. The temples have often served as movie locations when ancient ruins are needed; Tomb Raider had large portions filmed here. (Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures because we managed to misplace the camera in the next town.)
After the temples, we headed to the town of Battambang for a change of pace. Battambang is the country’s second largest “city” with a population of about 100,000 people. The only real city is Phnom Penh, the capital with about four million people. In Battambang, we toured the countryside and also took a cooking course. (The restaurant's name was "Smokin' Pot. From a distance all we could see on the sign was the word "Pot" really big. Somewhat relatedly, they serve "happy soup" there.) Next time you see me, just ask and I’ll whip up Cambodia’s well-known amok curry for you. (Any protein can be substituted for the fish.)
Some final thoughts on teaching in Thailand
Students in Thailand are fairly different in some ways from students in the States, some good and some bad. For the most part, the students are very well-behaved. Respect is very important in Thai culture, and if a student isn’t behaving properly, we would usually just tell them they were being disrespectful and they would straighten right up.
But the students are also weak.
One day, three of my students weren’t in class. I asked one of the teaching assistants where the students were.
“They’re in the nurses’ room,” he said.
“So they’re sick?” I asked.
“They think they might get sick,” he said.
“So they’re not sick?”
“No, but they might get sick,” he said.
We also had a series of students rolling around in wheelchairs.
“Why is Frank in a wheelchair?”
“She has a fever.” (Yes, Frank is a girl.)
“Why is Jena in a wheelchair?”
“She’s menstruating.”
One day, it was raining lightly in the morning. Our academic building is about 250 meters from the dorms. All of the teachers walked to the academic building. The students refused to walk in the rain, so the teaching assistants had all of the students shuttled to the front of the building in a van so the students wouldn’t get wet.
One of the big events at the end of each camp is the class and teacher performances. For the first camp, the teachers made a version of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” This featured most of the teachers dressing up as zombies and our math teacher dressing up in drag. (Sorry I couldn't upload the video; the internet here is slow and wouldn't allow it. I might try again later.)
The second camp, we did a mockumentary about Lady Gaga visiting the University. Again, it featured our math teacher in drag.
Overall, the camp experience was worthwhile and interesting. I’ll have to see what my situation is next year; maybe I’ll go back.