Wednesday, February 18, 2009

After the fatigues to run far

Been thinking lately, perhaps too much. Been thinking about what's next. A few days ago, for the first time, I thought about staying. Maybe not Surabaya, but maybe Indonesia. I'll have some language before the year has passed; I'll be better suited to survive here. But I haven't been sleeping well lately, so perhaps these thoughts aren't the thoughts of someone who's thinking straight. And the weather's been strange, days of blazing heat interspersed with days of cool wind. Perhaps this weather helps make for strange dreams and musings.


I might head northwest this weekend, for the first time. I've done some searching on the indispensable East Java tourism website, and the town of Tuban sounds interesting. Caves and near the ocean and described as "an ancient town." Paciran also sounds intriguing, with more caves and a rock shaped like a frog. I may go it alone this weekend, for the first time.


Although I love the East Java tourism website, the language varies wildly from very accurate to very erratic but weirdly poetic, but this is perhaps part of the website's charm. Here is an excerpt describing the road to the Tretes waterfall, located in the Jombang regency:
Complicated length road seems to be its beautiful self, because the fascination panorama of the environment around. The saturation fringe the road towards waterfall dosed by the ruthless of brotherly nature, bird chirp and the member of around that very friendly.

Tretes waterfall seems entertain, after the fatigues to run far, the visitor spill their body to the rapid waterfall, sitting on the scattering stones around the waterfall.


Lastly, two Indonesian proverbs for you:

"Pikir itu pelita hati."
Thought is the light of the heart.

"Patah tumbuh hilang berganti."
Whatever broken will grow back, whatever lost will be replaced.

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