I brought my camera but didn't take any pictures. There was nothing remarkable about the hospital; it looked like a hospital, which is a good thing.
A doctor briefly looked at my eye, asked some questions, and sent me on my way with some anti-viral opthalmic ointment. I was in and out in about half-an-hour, with a bill of approximately $20.
We went to the amazingly nice new mall a street over from our house for an after-dinner beverage the other night.
We were situated across from our most frequent dinner haunt, Izzi Pizza, and I noticed that they had a sign advertising the new "Obama Pizza." I went over to investigate.
The server explained the pizza quite poetically, saying that it combines the flavors of America and Indonesia (Obama lived in Jakarta for four years as a youth). It has an Indonesian rendang sauce of spiced coconut milk, and is topped with chicken, peppers, onions, and cheese. It is not, however, topped with a big portion of "Change!"
After finding out about the pizza, I settled my seat at Black Canyon Coffee (despite the cowboy logo, they are a Thai restaurant) to try an avocado drink. In Indonesia, the avocado is considered equivalent to any other fruit, and is therefore usually in sweet concoctions as opposed to savory dishes.
I ordered this shake partly because it came in a cool glass, and partly because I felt I had to try an avocado shake at some point in time. The drink I ordered was a blend of avocado, coffee, chocolate, and a hint of rum.
Part of my inital reaction was because the drink was surprisingly bitter; despite being green, the main taste was of coffee. After a few sips to equilibriate myself, the drink was pleasant, and my favorite part was the bigger chunks of not-fully-blended avocado.
I will have to give avocado shakes another try at some point in time, but sans coffee.
Dear Kurd,
With regards to your current Blog on the Obama Pizza I ask how could you say "It is not, however, topped with a big portion of "Change!"?????
Did you try the Obama Pizza????
If you know anything about pizza's I'm sure you wouldn't have mentioned what you said above.
This is now my favorite Pizza at Izzi, the Rendang base sauce (that has replaced tomato sauce) would have to be the first noticeable change, and is a complete change from the norm. I urge you to try the pizza before posting such a ridiculous comment!!!!
Obama Pizza Fan
Dear Obama Pizza Fan,
I have not tried the pizza yet, though I will, because it sounds delicious. My favorite pizzas are often those that deviate from the norm.
I was not trying to imply that the pizza wasn't different, but that the pizza was not topped with a big helping of political ideology and maxims, which I assume are far less delicious than rendang-simmered chicken.
I was not trying to imply that the pizza was actually topped with change any more than Izzi's is trying to imply that you are actually eating Obama.
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for reading.
You look like you got into a fight. It's rather sexy...
The Obama Pizza sounds like a perfect recipe to try and reproduce. . .I'll have to look up redang sauce and see if I can find a recipe. I love that you're such a foodie, Kurd. You're like a traveling MFK Fisher for the 21st century. Yup. That's what you are.
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