Monday, February 16, 2009

A brief encounter

After a meal of seafood washed down with a mint gelato milkshake, I climbed into a taxi for the ride home. The pounding rain from earlier in the day had subsided into a light drizzle.

We approached an intersection where two young kids were standing near the median. I heard the driver click the doors locked.

As we waited for the light to change, the younger of the kids leaned against my window. "Mister, Mister, Mister," he repeated over and over. I glanced at him, then faced forward and hung my head. He repeated the words. I closed my eyes, and then he was gone.

I glanced back. About two hundred meters away stood one of the city's few churches. Its red neon cross glowed through the intermittent rain drops.

I looked forward and we drove on. Home was just minutes away through the wet Surabaya night.


Anonymous said...

thank you for this. for all the reading i do, i really need to comment more. i shall try my best.

Kurd said...

Thanks for the thanks, one of two (or maybe more) possible Amys. Hopefully I can offer some more comment-worthy posts in the future. Thanks for reading.